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Holistic health: Door to your new YOU-Simple tips to a vibrant life!

Life and our quest for a meaningful life starts with YOU! You are a body and mind before anyone you identify with! 

Ex-PepsiCo CEO, Nooyi wakes up as early as 4 a.m., telling Fortune that "they say sleep is a gift that God gives you ... that's one gift I was never given."

She was so busy and demands from all corners poured in...she navigated life of million tasks with ease but most of us are not like her. 

We have breakdown moments, we give up, we surrender to fate, etc. 

Emotional well-being and body health are related and one in shape leads to the other and the opposite is equally true. 

Your life is not something that you can triage; keep, let go and repurpose! But health priorities can certainly be triaged.

Some 2000 years ago, stoic Seneca told something that is more relevant today than any time in the past! Life in not just happening, it is descending on us, heavier by the day and anxious by the night! 

Before you jump into your Stoic journey, let me remind you that piece of wisdom that a wise man gave me! It was not Seneca!

He told; ज़िन्दगी की जद्दोज़हद हमें जीने नहीं देंगी, और दवाइयाँ हमें मरने भी नहीं देंगी ! Use Google Translator to understand meaning if you don't read Hindi! 

Back to the topic: I am talking about your health priorities now. You are not dying anytime sooner or yet! Life is to live! Life a magnificent life! 

One step at a time: Holistic health is not just about changes made to, lifestyle or food or supplements or setting ambitious goals for you, you wanted to achieve through your shiny health condition. 

I often encourage my male friends telling them that you need just one thing in common against someone you idolize for anything and mine is that 170 cm height that Salman Rushdie has. This one common thing shall lead you to several girlfriends and a life that everyman deserves! Protect your eyes! 

If you think, I missed women friends; I tell them about Elizabeth Taylor! 

Jokes apart; Goals like running a marathon, crossing that English Channel, snorkeling, paragliding, that chiseled looks, that super performance in bed, getting attention from the butterflies, etc. You need goals and a plan. You deserve what you deserve! 

Want to know about Holistic health and your better tomorrow on personal health and mojo, reach out to me ((1) M R I N A L K R A N T | LinkedIn)..I don't sell supplements or Gym memberships

According to the fifth round of the NFHS conducted between 2019 and 2021, about 6.4 per cent of women and 4.0 per cent of men aged 15-49 are obese. Around 17.6 per cent women and 18.9 per cent men in the same age group are overweight, but not obese.

Picture Courtesy: The Print!

In a few seconds, find your BMI. Check the chart below-It's that easy! 


Punjab, where the obesity prevalence was the highest, 25 per cent of women and 28.8 per cent of men reported eating fried food at least once a week. But in Mizoram, where the obesity rate is low, people seemed to have a huge penchant for fried treats. As many as 93 per cent women and men each reported consuming fried food at least once a week. So, it's not the food, it's what your lifestyle is and what DNA you carry!

Poor dietary habits and lack of physical activity can cause type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, even heart attacks.

Interested in starting a new life? Let's connect! 


  1. A detailed article like this really motivates one to reboot itself from the mundane lifestyle we have.
    Really liked the comparison of two extream states of Punjab and Mizoram of their eating habit which seems similar but stills have results pools apart due to differences in lifestyle.
    Great read 👍

    1. Thanks for reading and finding the post valuable..
      We need people like you to make India a fitter and beautiful nation. We need more and more attractive people , so we don't sneak a peak into tue rear view mirror that I often dom ;)


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