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Showing posts from August, 2024

Hiring slump and faking the hiring market! Staffing firms unnerved...GCCs getting real with temp staffing, shedding million dollar tech leaders in India GCCs

  Anil Ethanur ; Brilliant takes. 100% agree with you on the scenario around recruiters, recruiting firms and the mainstream GCCs and IT Services firms. I have been hiring for 5 SaaS products with global markets in Life Sciences tech, in my previous assignment with a 3500 people firm with multiple offices in India and the US, EU, etc. 2021, in market onboarding ~600. Attrition during the same time ~600. This kept 25 recruiters at various levels busy. Down to May/June 2022, the slump started to hit, client's enthusiasm to buy projects retracted and continued so and in OND of 2022, nearly all IT services, even product and SaaS firms started feeling the recession but no one dared say a word. 25 recruiters had foot on the gas but all those million interviews were not producing offers for simple reason; recession in the US, a clear case of being in denial mode! Companies with garrison full of internal recruiters continued to spend time in silence...decent firms, didn't lay off rec

Allegiance trumps Talent! Known devil is a good successor in a promotor driven firm

  CULTURE EATS STRATEGY FOR BREAKFAST! A popular slogan coined by Peter Drucker! But in case that I mentioned below, it looks like Ego eats strategy for breakfast, without salt and pepper! Everyone else is just a spectator. Nuggets of wisdom Kamal Karanth . Brilliant points and they are often true when the promotor is leading the org and culture with a tight fist! Just one person at the helm of affairs sets tone for just not finding a successor but also, how that successor must always pledge her/his allegiance to! One leading Indian Biopharma company separated their Biologics business as a separate company just around the Covid pandemic. Hired CEO, a molecular scientist herself, from an innovation from a global pharma company. Came with her pack of other global leaders in functions like Manufacturing excellence, Quality, Digitalization, etc. Promoter was very excited and announced that, this firm will run like a start-up with sovereign funding from UAE coming and even a very speedy