Monday, March 14, 2011

The Feedfront Way...

Regressive or progressive, diagnostic or developmental, critiquing or coaching, dumping or delegating, discoursing or driving, record-keeping or rewarding, what's your style?
If 7 or more out of 10 times, you chose (as you do or believe in), the second word (italicized), you are a 'LEADER'. Congratulations!
Feedback or Feedfront is almost like the pair-words with same pair like corollary or connotation.
What do you choose, is the big call?

Feedback is a passive word.
Feedback is asked for; it remains prerogative or privilege of the person who asks for it.
You will agree, it takes 'heroic courage' and 'emotional fortitude' to ask for a feedback or provide one.
(Very few are really interested and most of us try to avoid it unless it becomes life-saving scenario or you are reaching mid-life.)

Feedfront is an active word.
It comes to you when you asked for it and even when you did not expect it or did not really want to hear it, for it may have caused you, the orgasmic disharmony and I blamed someone with breaching professional hygiene by hurling it on you. Most of the times, feedback looks like a stigma, a burden and an unwanted child.

Feedfront is a giver’s prerogative, privilege or right to be heard, the way and/or, in the shape and form, quantum and intensity that the giver decides to share it with. Giver is in control of affairs here and is not restricted by the misleading and mischievous feedback forms only.
Feedback forms are like a defense lawyer’s discovery questions, where you are given to answer in the way it appears, everything is working fine and any feedback that you give appears like developmental opportunity or futuristic and wishful thinking.

I am attempting not to appear cynical here as have learnt; “it’s good to be a skeptic but not a cynic.
The best part about Feedfront is its being so much in my face, which I can only act not agreeing to but I cannot defy it. It’s like, you love it or hate it, but you can’t ignore it.
Like Feedback, Feedfront is also having all colors, the colors of appreciation, accolades, glory, gratitude, pride, tough comments and suggestions for change, a few brickbats.

The only difference between feedback and Feedfront that differentiates them so widely and distinctly is that Feedfront does not mince words, does not mix professionalism and personal biases or favoritism. It bares it all and shares with you the realistic state of affairs.
'Realism' is a big word in leadership today. Most of the times, when a leader fails, it’s because she could not face realistic situations and always was afraid of this hornet’s nest, though, every night before she went to sleep, she though, she will have a date with realism next morning, everything else shall wait.
But with not only her, it’s largely with most of leaders, that with sun that morning does help evaporate that condensed conviction to face realism.
While feedback is like collecting all the information from the back door though some channel, I am not aware of or the recipient always is so clueless or suspicious about. Feedback is always suspected and taken as a surprise element.
Feedfront is Open and two-way communication channel.
Feedbacks are normally one-way communication and appear to be delivered like a gospel from 30,000 ft.
Feedback, whether manipulated or selectively chosen, not sure as like I do not have eyes on my back, I do not have a mouth on my back. So, how are you feeding me?
While feedbacking is an administrative chore, feedfront is a trust-building excercise that has serious and positive intent.
Feedbacks are documented and kept in lockers. Feedfronts are pasted on the wall and a recepient holds it with pride and conviction to achive the expected change.
Feedback saves Supervisor's ass in the eyes of the management, feedfront saves supervisor's soul and pride in the eyes of his reports and herself.

Feedfront will prepare you for realism both the cases; when you are feedfronting others and when you are getting feedfronted.

Wish me luck and pray that I face feedfronts and give feedfronts without fear of face-offs, inhibitions of losing relationships, guilt of telling the truth or fear of losing my Ass!

1 comment:

  1. So do you have any feedfront about anything? Ya know I’f I lose my ass, I will have a very difficult time sitting down. And by the way I got sum tin for ya,,,,,,,,, ))))))))))))))))))))D————- ( y. )


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