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HR out, function In. Why we love banking sans banker? Same is true for people Operations called HR!

There is a tendency for large companies to "infantilize" their employees and "drown creative people in process and bureaucracy," says Octopus Energy CEO Greg Jackson

Have you experienced what Greg says here?
CEO Secrets: 'My billion-pound company has no HR department.'!

Ram Charan in his famous HBR article told the same thing. HR's meltdown moments! Check article here-

Ram told, while HR function is required, this department must go! Greg told the same thing, not just for HR, but even IT department!

Two other interesting people in India, former CEO of HCL Tech and former CEO and MD of KPMG in India, Vineet Nayar and Richard Rekhy, in their famous AIMA's 14th National HR Summit in 2016 in New Delhi had announced; HR will be dead by 2020! Video link is here-
Even if Greg, Vineet and Richard are right, it doesn't mean Dave Ulrich is proven wrong about his strategic HRBP role!
Just that despite an MBA from XLRI, TISS, IIMs, etc. the HRBPs somehow didn't claim that fabled role within HR. Silently, the HRBP position was renamed HRPP (Human Resources "People" Partner), especially in larger MNCs. CHRO became CPO!
One man, an ex-McKinsey veteran and ex Chief of People Ops, Laszlo Bock, knew how to call the role, realistically, and so, he called it, Head of People Ops.
If you look at Greg's argument, he says, functions within HR are more important than titles, like, recruiting, training coordination, pay and benefits administration, etc are essential functions. —than just a strategic HRBP role, that specializes in "nothing", never made sense! HR doesn't need a spokesperson/PR/media management role!
When it comes to HR transformations, McKinsey or Bain, BCG, or such strategic management consulting firms are hired by the board and the CEO.
Do you know, which management consulting firm and which independent management consultants were behind the famous HCL Tech transformation under Vineet Nayar?


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