CHRO for Rs.1 Cr salary in Mumbai: Is it too good or just OK?

In a recent report by a consulting firm, ANSR, which is watching GCCs in India, it was mentioned that more than 100 staff of these 1700 GCCs make more than $1 million in annual salary.

Compare this ₹1 crore annual salary in Mumbai with the CHRO of a $100 billion conglomerate, and you can easily tell it is way below even the median wages of the CHRO of an Indian company with annual revenue of $5 billion and below.
You may remember, some 15 years back, had the compensation band ending at ₹50 L +, which now is ₹1 Cr+, and we know CXOs don't hunt jobs on
Some 20 years ago, it was profanity for an IIM guy to even place his profile on 😅... How much things have changed but not for some CHRO salaries 🤔


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